“Your New Look, Her New Life” Salon Challenge

 We are inviting YOU to be a part of our mission to advance quality care for victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking!  Learn more about the intersection of the salon industry and domestic sex trafficking by reading our one-page fact sheet.

 Ways to Participate:

  • Share our fact sheet with your salon owner or stylist
  • If you are a salon owner and ready to enroll, visit “The Challenge” section on this page

 Why Salons?

We believe that salons and their clients are uniquely positioned to engage as Modern-Day Abolitionists.  The beauty industry is in a vital position to identify victims and disrupt this crime.  Salons are also in an excellent position to encourage customers to be a part of the solution, specifically to advance awareness and help fund programs like ours that are offering restoration and new life to victims of this heinous trade.

 Why The Samaritan Women?

For over a decade The Samaritan Women has been a leader in restorative care for victims, providing residential care to over 100 survivors.  In 2018 we expanded to create the Institute for Shelter Care, in response to the research that shows a significant deficit in care options for victims across the country.  There are an estimated 300,000 enslaved, and yet only shelter beds for about 1,000.  We can do better!  Despite the odds against these survivors, there is hope.  We have witnessed some remarkable transformations.  You may want to read about one impressive transformation in The Baltimore Sun and WBAL Radio.

 The Challenge:

We are challenging salons to raise funds to support victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking during the holiday season while educating salon staff and clients about this issue.  The challenge does not have time restrictions and allows for flexibility for salons to participate for a day, week, or month.  Some suggestions are donating a percentage of a service, promoting gift cards and giving a percentage, or utilizing product sales and donating a percentage/amount.  Be as creative as you would like to raise funds!

Questions? Please email

Enroll by sending an email to with the following information so we can be sure to promote your salon on social media.

  • Name of salon, contact person, and contact information
  • Time frame of when the salon would like to host their challenge
  • Brief description of how they would like to participate
  • We will provide informational material about The Samaritan Women, but please let us know anything additional you may need. 

Thank you so much for your time and investment in the care and restoration of survivors!



Salon Challenge
Fact Sheet

Participating Salons: