Our vision is that any survivor—anywhere in the nation—would have access to qualified, compassionate care.
The Institute for Survivor Care equips Christian ministries with the knowledge, skills, tools, and community needed to provide exemplary restorative care to the sexually exploited.
Ephesians 4:12 – to equip His people for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up
What does it mean to say we’re a “Christian organization”?
It means
we PRAY,
we WAIT,
we ERR,
we HOPE.
- It means that we view both the problem and the solution through the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ own life taught us to love ALL PERSONS, especially those who are lost to sin, broken, imprisoned, orphaned.
- It means we look at the problem from an eternal, not worldly, perspective. We cling to the truth that God is in control, from the beginning to the end, and ALL THINGS are under His dominion.
- It means we operate from a position of FAITH, not fear, knowing that we are limited, and believing that God can heal all wounds, and bring all persons to Himself, as He desires.
- It means that we believe the Church is vitally important to bringing reconciliation and healing to a broken world.
- It means that everything we do is because God gives us the intellect, skills, power, and provision to do it. Without Him, we could do nothing.

Our Namesake
We take our name from the Bible story in John 4, where Jesus encounters the Samaritan Woman at the Well. This exchange between the Lord Jesus and this shunned, isolated woman (with a past) teaches us how we are to relate to one another.
In this story, Jesus ignores the rules of His society and instead talks with a woman that others have rejected. And even though He knew “all that [she] ever did,” He still received her with non-judgment and compassion. As a result, the woman is transformed! She returns to her village–the same one that rejected her–and ends up becoming the very first disciple. Because of her testimony, many came to believe.
That is what we believe: regardless of who you are or what you may have done, you should be received with non-judgment and compassion. We believe that through a transformational relationship with Christ, your past is no longer who you are; you can be used for AMAZING things in Him.

Have a question?
If you have any questions regarding The Samaritan Women – Institute for Survivor Care, please contact Linda Thomas at