National Shelter Landscape Map


Our vision is that any survivor, anywhere in the nation, has access to qualified, compassionate care.

Verified by the Institute*

Unverified by the Institute

States with no Shelters

Note: While there are other service providers that also serve victims of commercial sexual exploitation, the organizations depicted on this map are those which are dedicated exclusively or predominantly to serving this population. *Verified means data on the map has been confirmed by the Institute for Survivor Care within the last 12 months.

Residential Shelters Serving Victims of Exploitation

The Institute actively tracks shelters and direct service organizations across the nation to better understand the need.  Engage with our interactive Shelter Map to find out more about shelter coverage in your state.

Don’t see your local shelter for victims of commercial sexual exploitation?  Or, do you know a change to the status of a shelter listed?  Contact us to help us improve upon this ever-changing database

*On the Institute’s annual survey of shelters, respondents described their shelter as one of the following:

  • Religious: aligned with a specific religion / denomination. Faith practices are integral and faith formation is a primary goal of the program
  • Faith-based: core values, policies, and practices are grounded in a shared belief system. While voluntary for residents, the agency’s faith conviction is evident in programming, staffing, and decision making
  • Faith-friendly: agency does not align with a particular belief system but makes provisions for residents to participate in faith formation and religious activities, if desired
  • Secular: agency is not aligned with any belief system and may not include any provision for faith-based expression in its programming

National Shelter Landscape Map
Quick Facts*


Open and active shelters in our database


Number of religious/faith-based shelters
in our database


Number of secular shelters in our database


Number of emergency programs


Number of stabilization programs


Number of restorative programs


Number of independent programs


Average # of beds


Number of programs serving minors (29%)


Number of programs serving women
w/ children


Number of programs serving men (18%)


Number of programs serving men with children (3%)


*As of March 20, 2025

Have a question?

If you have any questions regarding our National Shelter Landscape Map, please contact Amy Woeller at