Executive Director Growth Collection
In this Executive Director Growth Collection, courses focus on enhancing your skills and capabilities in areas such as development, effective communications, branding, goal setting and metrics. Strengthening these strategic areas allows your influence to expand far beyond your organization. By effectively conveying your mission, values and impact you can influence others to become engaged, support your shelter, and contribute to the collective effort of the anti-trafficking movement.
Courses in this Collection include:
- Donor Management Systems
- Major Donors
- Communication Strategy
- Crisis Communication
- Church Engagement and Cultivation
- Necessity of Auditor and Attorney
- Risk Management
- Your Brand and What It Says About You
- Organizational Goals and Metrics
- Defining Your Shelter Program
- Property Selection
- Environmental Safety
- Principles of Staff Care
- Principles of Trauma Informed Care
- Retaining and Releasing Your Staff
Executive Director Essentials Collection Now Available
Executive Director Performance Collection Now Available