An awareness and prevention campaign of the Institute for Shelter Care

Dads make the Difference


of sex trafficking survivors are from fatherless homes


Children with a father in the home are 50% less likely to suffer from abuse and neglect


Girls with a father in the home are  6 times less likely to get pregnant as a teen 


Children with a father in the home are 40% less likely for a child to smoke, drink, or use drugs

Make a donation to the Institute for Shelter Care to equip agencies serving the exploited — 70% of whom did not have a dad in their lives.

Fathers protect.

Dads play a significant role in anti-trafficking. A dad’s active presence in a child’s life is proven to significantly reduce that child’s vulnerability to crime, ill health, poverty, and mental illness. When dads are absent or uninvolved in the lives of their children, those children are significantly more likely to face challenges.

At the Institute for Shelter Care we believe that Dads Make the Difference and their involvement in the lives of their daughters can stem the epidemic of sexual exploitation. Statistics show that 70% of exploited women grew up without a father in the home. So, we challenge all dads to make a difference and be present in your child’s life.

Watch challenging messages about the vital role a father plays in safeguarding his children against exploitation.
Pastor Brian Sites, Southeast Christian Church
Dr. Jeanne Allert, Executive Director, The Institute for Shelter Care

“The greatest insulation a girl has against being exploited is a healthy relationship with her father.”

– Jeanne Allert, Ph.D.,
Executive Director, Institute for Shelter Care

Children with the father in the home are:

  • ½ as likely to suffer from abuse and neglect
  • 40% less likely to smoke, drink, or use drugs
  • ½ as likely to drop out of school
  • 3x less likely to have early intercourse
  • 6x less likely to get pregnant as a teen

Children who feel a closeness to their father are:

  • 75% less likely to have a teen birth
  • 80% less likely to spend time in jail
  • ½ as likely to experience multiple depression symptoms.
  • Daughters are less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior

Sources:;  Green, B., Davis, C., Clark, T., Quinn, C., & Cryer-Coupet, Q. (2014), Father Involvement, dating violence, and sexual risk behaviors among a national sample of adolescent females. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,

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Make a donation to the Institute for Shelter Care to equip agencies serving the exploited – 70% of whom did not have a dad in their lives.